Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wow, a little surprising, but today was actually a little more interesting than yesterday. I was completely and utterly exhausted to last through the school day, but I managed! And today was a little different than usual. We still did some routine things but... well I'll let you real.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Wow! Sorry I didn't keep posting over the break, like I said it was a break and well I was super busy. First I was out all day, then my parents came and I was at my grans and then I went to Santa Rosa and stayed for two days and then well my parents were still here so I spent time with them and yeah. It was a crazy but totally awesome weekend! And before I start a very brief post about school - because I have tons of homework - How did your Thanksgiving go?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Friday sort of Tuesday

Okay so, today felt super short to me, mostly because it is officially the start of Thanksgiving Break, so I'm going to just zoom through the classes today.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Okay so today was actually really fun for a Monday, you wouldn't this from an average Monday, but then again this week is pretty special. The break down of this week is Monday and Tuesday we have school then the rest of the week off! Isn't that awesome? So from Wednesday to Sunday this week you'll just be getting some tips about how High School normally works, because I did leave out a few awesome things since I started a little late. Anyways...

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Afternoon guys - well it's afternoon for me,

So this topic was bound to come up sooner or later and I thought  might as well tackle it while it was going on at my school. Leaves everything chronological - yes I do have a bit of an OCD. Okay, so sadly one of the few things that TV/Movie High School related shows and stuff don't lie about is Drama.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friend Notes

Okay so I decided to keep the weekend productive so instead of writing about classes and stuff like I usual do on weekdays I'm going to just tell you guys a few things about High School that I don't always mention. This first one is about your friends!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Okay so today was an average day for the most part. This morning I woke up at 5 am to go on the Computer but I was feel extra lazy so I decided to catch a few extra Zs, just my luck I don't wake up till 7:15 so I rush to get ready and have my bro drive  me to school. Thank god for our school store! I was able to eat breakfast! Phew!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Alright, since I'm starting this blog in the middle of the year instead of the beginning like I should have I feel like I should explain what happens on Thursdays at my school. So, from what I hear, this is not all that common, but on Thursdays our classes are cut by 5 minutes and we get something we call "extended learning time" at the end of third period so we can do homework and stuff. In other words: study hall. Some of us use the time to get help in whatever class we're in and some of the other students use it to relax after learning. For me it depends how much homework I have.

Okay, now that you know how MY Thursdays are panned out, I'll just tell you about each class and again, this might differ from what you have done or are going to do because not all schools are the same and all teachers are definitely unique.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey People of, I hope, Earth,

So before I start my blogging, I thought I should tell you briefly about myself and this blog. Alright, my name is Jess, if you have't seen and right now at this moment I am a Freshmen in High School, sometimes called as Fresh meat, but only as a joke, no worries. I'm recently 15, love to write and have a pretty normal life. Wake up, go to school, come home and chill, just do my thing. Now, I bet you're wondering, why in the world would I write a blog if there isn't much interesting going on in my life. Well...