Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Wow, a little surprising, but today was actually a little more interesting than yesterday. I was completely and utterly exhausted to last through the school day, but I managed! And today was a little different than usual. We still did some routine things but... well I'll let you real.

1st Period
So today we went over the homework pretty quickly. For some reason my alarm didn't really wake me up so I got up about half an hour before school started. Luckily for me, Mr. Frank sells muffins for a dollar. I love those muffins. I mean they are totally fatty and terrible for my health but I was starving and I wasn't going to wait another second. Class went by like a snap. We went over weather and we talked about our weather presentation. We need to take a map of France and talked about what plausible weather that area would have. So we're pretty much weather people. This is our first project alone and I'm pretty nervous. I'm not sure if my pronounciation will be good. It's on Thursday, so cross your fingers! We also talked more about our French recipe project and apparently my class level usually over does it with the desserts so I might try to find something non-sugary - sadly.

2nd Period
So since today was Tuesday we had to bring our SSR (I seriously still don't know what those letters stand for - sad right?) books and usually we read them for the first, I'll say 15-20 minutes of class. Today, my teacher decided to mix it up and have us take our Anne Frank Quiz first. I got 10/13, a C - YIKES! Then we did our reading while she checked our logs - which I loathe doing. Right after that we had a class discussion about what we believed was the change in Anne Frank's writing and attitude and why it happened. It was super brief and we spent the last 15 minutes of class going to the three posters and choosing one post-it note from each poster and copying down what it said. I finished early and just had a random conversation with Ms. Kitty, she's pretty cool! Tomorrow we have to write a one paragraph response to the post-its we chose.

3rd Period
I swear, Mr. Ching loves messing with us. The seats changed AGAIN! For like a week the tables were in groups and today they were all facing the window. Luckily, my seat is easy to find. He had half the class move the desks back and then the other half turn it around to face the front. We did a quick lesson and I feel really bad for Mr. Ching. Mrs. Aligator was there AGAIN to evalutate him. She stayed at the door today. After like two problems he let us go off to do classwork and homework.

4th Period
Alright, so I love PE but seriously I hate some of the things we have to do. First off, we had to take attendence - it was whatever the people I stand by are super cool and fun to talk to. But, instead of running like we usually do we had to go inside and do weights and exercises BORING! I love the music he plays but I just hate some of the exercises. It's probably just because I'm too lazy to do push-ups that really the only thing I hate and maybe if I paced myself with the crunches - instead of trying to be like the Flash - I would like those just a little. After we did two sets of weight exercises we went outside again. He got the boys who are experienced at football to have a game set up to play tag football and then the rest of the class divided up into boys and girls. Boys vs Boys, Girls vs Girls for flag football. Some girls were pretty pissed about it, but it was all for the sake of numbers. Yellow team - my team - won by two points! Woo!

Today was pretty weird for me. Instead of getting a turkey sandwich like I always do I just got a cookie and nibbled on that. I'm not really one for starving themselves, because I know what seriously terrible effects it can have on you, but I just really didn't feel like eating. It was so weird! I just walked around for the whole lunch. I went back to Mrs. Caren's room and constructed a paper airlpane. After throwing it around back and forth, I got bored and decided to play a game on my friends, I threw it outside at my friend and closed the door, acting as if I didn't do anything. After a few tries I got this one guy to throw it at his friends and then they threw it to a group that was near by and for a minute or so they were throwing it at each other. It was pretty entertaining till they left it on the floor. I had to pick it up of course - I hate litering. DO NOT LITER PEOPLE!

5th Period
So today we started learning about our three part lesson. It's about Piracy, Copyright, and Plagiarism. Today we started on Copyright. It was acutally pretty entertaining. We started off by watching this really funny and educational video on youtube made by Professors in college. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJn_jC4FNDo we watched that video and its so funny. It was made by some Professors and its all about copyrights and everything. You should check it out. Then we went to a site and took a mini quiz on Copyright and to get out of class we had to say one thing we learned. Yeah, I know doesn't sound all that exciting, but trust me it was pretty awesome.

6th Period
So today we had a lab!! We did our warm ups, looked over homework. Yada, yada the usual. Then we went straight into a lab. We were testing the reactivity of metals and seeing if the Series Activity List was correct. We had to test our Zinc, Magnesium and Iron. We put them in separate little bubbles and covered them with Hydrochloric acid, zinc chloride, magnesium chloride and iron chloride. We found that the series is correct and in this order: Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, and Hydrogen. I know sounds like "Why do we care" well I care! I discovered I'm a pretty big science buff and I really like science - fave subject - so I love doing these labs. Best part of it is - NO HOMEWORK! Totally makes up for not having an explosion.

Then after school I stayed with Ms. Caren and I am now her pseudoTA. It took me an hour to remember that psuedo meant fake so apparently I am a fake teacher's aid. I graded some papers for her and yeah. The usual. I went straight home after.

Yeah it isn't the most interesting of days but it was pretty fun. I like having days like this where you just have no energy but everything goes great. Well I better finish my homework if I really wanna sleep early today. I'll check up with you guys tomorrow.

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