Okay so today was an average day for the most part. This morning I woke up at 5 am to go on the Computer but I was feel extra lazy so I decided to catch a few extra Zs, just my luck I don't wake up till 7:15 so I rush to get ready and have my bro drive me to school. Thank god for our school store! I was able to eat breakfast! Phew!
So in the morning I usually meet up with my friends one way or another and we just walk around the campus aimlessly. Some people have a normal hang out place, but like every year, my friends and I are wanders who boredly walk around school just talking and hanging out.
1st Period: French
So in French, as usual, I'm one of the first kids in just because I keep such a close eye on the time - not sure if I mentioned this but Mr. Frank is strict on timeliness and every time we're late he gives us a strike and three strikes = detention, more than that you get detention and a referral. More likely than not one of your teachers will have a similar policy. So once the class settled down we got out our homework and he just walked around seeing who did it. Then he asked for Volunteers to go up and do the problems on the board and who ever volunteered got extra credit - a great way for people who didn't do their homework to get some points back so always volunteer! After we checked out answers Mr. Frank had us do more partner work - that class is almost all about partners. After we finished exercise quatre, cinq, et six (4, 5, and 6) he had us do a Tet a tet, which is just more partner work. We ended the class with workbook pages - Ecoutez Comprehension - listening comprehension. Then he gave us Exercise trois (3) pg. quarante-deux (42) for homework and a worksheet where we have to draw a sketch of what an average teen would be doing at certain times. It was super easy - finished both in the last 20 minutes of math class.
2nd Period: English EXP
So sadly, we weren't going to do the fish bowl discussion again. Everyone of course was begging for the seats to be arranged like it. I told my teacher how we actually behave much better in a circle then we do in boring old rows. She agreed and said she'd be doing fish bowl every other week. We had a Journal Entry to do in class - we do that almost everyday. Super boring, but super easy. You mostly have to do some sort of journal one point in your life for English. Then she surprised us with an Anne Frank Pop Quiz! That just went terribly! She was quizzing us on some of the smallest details like what did Anne call the studying she did to pass the time "Time Killers", no one got that right! The whole class cheered then groaned after every answer was given. A lot of people probably failed. We spent the rest of the period just writing about the quotes SHE chose. We had to write about the topic, tone, theme and greater relevance. Then we had to draw a picture. Pretty boring.
3rd Period: Geometry
Okay so that class is kind of a blur because I pretty much spent most of the time skimming through the school newspaper that I barely remember a word he said. I finished the warm up and looked up at what Mr. Ching was doing on the board and saw he was waaay passed the warm up - he was already writing down notes. Luckily for me it was all deductive thinking and I caught on, but I seriously have no idea what half the things I wrote down. After doing a total of two - yes two - problems he gave us the last 20-30 minutes of class to do whatever we want. I finished my Geometry homework and French homework. Of course I didn't have time to even START my English homework. Reading Anne Frank and doing logs is a huge pain the in the butt, good luck if you have to do it!
4th Period: Physical Education
Well today was pretty different. It was raining so instead of our usual lap and then whatever else we do we just went straight inside and started doing our boring stretches - side stretch, leg back blah blah blah. At least once every week though we have to do weights and we have a set and blah blah blah. The only difference is we had upbeat gym music - which most everyone danced so using the set routines. We had to do double our usual amount for well I don't just cuz Mr. Chevy wanted us to. Then we got into groups of nine and started playing vollyball. The first group my team versed was the Asian Group, truth be told I have no idea what the scoring was. I was just standing there, not really caring because, well I rather not be mean and state the real reason. But we advanced all the way to the first court and was the first team to actual win a point against the undefeated champs in the class - cocky boys. BUT they had right to be, they were pretty dang good. Well anyways, we lost to them, 5-15 or something like that and we had to back down a court. Sadly, before the game started Drama erupted. Have I told you guys how much I hate Drama yet? I love Drama class, not drama in life. It really sucks. While some girls tried to all get into it and be like "what the hell is going on" I walked the other way and warned my friends: It's drama! Beware! When my friend tried to fill me in I walked away saying: Not my business, stayin out of it. I learned a long time ago Girl Drama really SUCKS! My suggestion: Make a lot of guy friends, they are so much easier to hang out with. And guys: try to stay out of it, cuz then it will doubly suck for you.
Since I have PE in fourth period I pretty much run my heart out to the lunch line - I hate being in the back and refuse to cut. I got my usual: Turkey sammich. Yum! I love the school's turkey sammiches! They are sooo good and healthy! It's on whole wheat bread! My mouth waters at the thought! Well I go straight to DC class, like I always do to hang out with the sub for a little, Ms. Gallon. I began telling her about how horrid drama is and then we went on talking about Malls and which Mall we both went to and which one we like the best. She's one of those awesome subs. Then my friends came and we wandered the halls again, once again drama tried to show its ugly head but I ignored it. I forced my friend to come and bother Ms. Kitty for me, but it only lasted so long because she really didn't want to be there. Oh! There was also a pep rally! You should see how many talented Dancers there are in High School! It's mind blowing!
5th Period: Digital Citizenship (DC)
So we went straight to work since Mrs. Caren wasn't there and we switched up the rolls a bit. I wrote the script while Hee and Mark looked up pictures. Tack wasn't there so we Mark just took over his job is helping Hee. We finished and yeah, that class is pretty consistent when we have a task at hand.
6th Period: Chemistry
So there Mr. Worm finished teaching us about chemical formulas and how to do coefficients. I didn't pay too much attention because last year my old science teacher, Mrs. Energy, taught us all this towards the end of the year, but it's fun to relax instead of learn. I luckily got to finish my Chemistry Homework so now all I have is English!
So you see, on Fridays freshmen don't get beat up or 'pennied' even though I hear about that, it's all lies. There is however a football game as well as a play being preformed and I was going to go to one of them.... buuut it's raining so I opted out. I'll just watch the play tomorrow and my friends can tell me out the playoffs went. I hope we win!
So there's another day in an average High School. Catch you guys on the flip side!
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