Okay so today was actually really fun for a Monday, you wouldn't this from an average Monday, but then again this week is pretty special. The break down of this week is Monday and Tuesday we have school then the rest of the week off! Isn't that awesome? So from Wednesday to Sunday this week you'll just be getting some tips about how High School normally works, because I did leave out a few awesome things since I started a little late. Anyways...
First Period: French
Okay so today we started learning days of the weeks and dates and all that stuff. We found out some pretty cool things that I used to goof off thinking about - why the days were named what they were. I used to say Monday was named like that because we used to be monkeys. Tuesday because its the Second day of the weekday. Wednesday because a important person got married that day. Thursday because that's the day when you're thirsty. Friday because that's when you fry things. Saturday because we sit all day. And Sunday because it was always sunny. Yeah I know that sounds pretty lame, but hey! I thought of those when I was in elementary school, don't judge. Okay so apparently Sunday and Monday were named after the Sun and the Moon, which is pretty cool. Then all the other days were named after gods, or that's how it is in like Europe, America's all wacked out and we have our own system. We live in our own little universe. But yeah, we just practiced that and yea. It was ah-ight.
Second Period: Honors English
Omigosh, Ms. Kitty had us do the coolest thing, well its pretty fun in my opinion. So she divided us into six groups, like she did before, and we all got a diary entry to read from Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. We all read it individually then we all had to come up with a poster, all pictures. And so my group got August 4, 1943. It was the start of like her explaining what they did in each time. I suggested the good old, block after block pictures of what they are doing with time stamps. Instead, the really out of the box thinking, Lime, stated what she thought was the hidden meaning. She wanted to do a poster of Anne just in her bed with sounds all around her. I said I get it, but I didn't really but hey, it's whatever. It's creative and unique so no judgement. So for the whole period we just spent time on the floor drawing and coloring - just like in Elementary School! We get another fifteen minutes tomorrow then we have to present. That's probably the only thing I hate. LOL awe well, life goes on right?
Third Period: Geometry
This was pretty much a free period. Not really got write much about it since we didn't do anything all that BAM but we got classwork - which was also our homework - and then we were done. The end. Yeah some times school is that easy and boring, it's not always crazy so chill your nerves.
Fourth Period: Physical Education
So, today since it rained we were back inside! Not bad but I rather be outside. We had to wait for our teacher inside the gym and I was a little hyper and wanted to warm up because it was FREEZING so I walked up to my friend, Custard, and said 'Tag you're it!' then ran off! It was so great because she went and tagged her friend her tagged their other friend and so on and so forth till we had a huge game going! It was so great. We were all running around the gym like we were young again. I miss those days. After a few minutes of chasing each other Mr. Chevy came in and called us to our roll call spots. After all that business we did weight training to Michael Jackson songs. It was hilarious! After one set, thank god, we all dispersed and played one of my favorite games: BAD MINTON! We only played like three rounds though before we were called back to our roll call spots so he go do an NBA style call out for everyone on the honor roll for free lunch tomorrow - I got in!
Alrighty, so today was Monday so I had a Key Club meeting. I had to rush to get my lunch and get to the meeting before it started at 12:30. We just talked about old business, new business and all that. It was really short. It's just a community service club to help your community and earn your hours to graduate. It's actually really fun, but sadly I have plans for Thanksgiving so I couldn't sign up for any events. After that I went down, got a cookie and just hung out in Mrs. Caren's room as usual. There are very few classrooms I just feel comfortable to hang back in, her's is one of them. Ms. Kitty's is another and also Mr. Worm, but it's because I'm completely comfortable with hanging out with them, they are super cool!
Fifth Period: DC
Okay I think I told you guys about our sexting project right? Well we were doing a Paper Slide Video and Friday we finished teh script and pictures so today we just had to film and answer the group evaluation questions. Even though Hee was supposed to read, I read it because he was stumbling on some words. We kept having to trade jobs. In the end, I read, Hee took the papers, Tack put the papers down and Lucas recorded. After like three takes - and all my breath being gone - we finished! We have to present them tomorrow, so cross your fingers!
Sixth Period: Chemistry
Did I ever tell you how much I love science? It's so great!! No I'm not a SUPER nerd, I'm a nerd but not a super one. But it's so easy and fun I just love it! Today though was a big pain in the butt! So we got worksheets - which we have to finish tomorrow - and then we got a box of wooden balls (I know some of you are laughing, don't do that in class you'll get the stink eye from Worm). We had to construct atomic molecules using the balls and then we had to draw it as a chemical formula. It was so annoying, we kept wondering if we were doing it right. We pray that it's right because some stuff are really confusing! What my friends and I couldn't help but notice was some guy was walking around with a suit and clip board ACTING all important. We know he's not. He was probably evaluating the class but it was really creepy. He kept looking at our group. We all agreed that he was one creepy guy!
Then after school I hung out and tried to finish all my homework in Ms. Caren's room - failed by the way - and my friends came in to hang out too. It was so fun! Their the reason I didn't finish, haha. I love them though, they totally rock. Well, that's all really because shortly after they came, we all had to leave. So I'll fill you guys in on tomorrow. See ya.
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