Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hey People of, I hope, Earth,

So before I start my blogging, I thought I should tell you briefly about myself and this blog. Alright, my name is Jess, if you have't seen and right now at this moment I am a Freshmen in High School, sometimes called as Fresh meat, but only as a joke, no worries. I'm recently 15, love to write and have a pretty normal life. Wake up, go to school, come home and chill, just do my thing. Now, I bet you're wondering, why in the world would I write a blog if there isn't much interesting going on in my life. Well...

I was just randomly talking to my best friend and she said she was making a blog. I thought, hey why not give it a try, especially after reading her blog. I spent and hour thinking of what to write about when I realized that the perfect topic was happening everyday: High School! Now everyone has the misconception that in High School jocks pick on nerds and freshmen, teachers are all evil, and that everyone randomly break out into song. I'm here to end that misconception, because really, High School isn't that terrifying. In my posts I will explain exactly how High School is like, and I promise to be as completely honest as I possibly can. I know when I first started High School I was really scared about what was going to happen, boy did I overreact!

But don't get confused. I'm going to explain what happens in MY High School life, but that doesn't mean everything that happens to me will for sure happen to you. You might get a similar experience, but nothing should be word for word. So hey, I gotta start on my homework. I'll fill you guys in later. See ya!

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